Monthly Archives: January 2015

Good News! US Corporations Won’t Have to Pay for Nuclear Disasters in India via Fair Blog

Online, the headline was “Obama, India’s Modi Cite Nuclear Investment Breakthrough” (1/25/15). And who doesn’t like a “breakthrough”? The article itself had the same positive spin, beginning with its lead: President Obama and Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi said Sunday … Continue reading

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Sweden’s SSM Says It Has Stopped Processing New Nuclear Plant Plans via Nuclear Street

A spokesman for Sweden’s nuclear power regulator Stralsakerhetsmyndigheten, known as SSM, said the agency had stopped processing plans for new nuclear power plants in the country to comply with statements from the new minority-run government, which took over after September’s … Continue reading

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Heysham nuclear power plant: Reactor taken offline due to water leak via BBC

A reactor at a nuclear power plant in Lancashire has been taken offline due to a technical fault. EDF Energy, operators of Heysham Power Station in Morecambe, said one of the two reactors at the Heysham 1 site was closed … Continue reading

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Kazakhstan eyes construction of new nuclear plants via ConstructionWeekOnline

Kazakh energy minister Vladimir Shkolnik has said that the country is looking to build two new nuclear power plants to meet demand placed on its current network infrastructure. The country’s only nuclear plant was shut down in 1999 and it … Continue reading

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An end to nuclear power in Illinois? via WBEZ

Carol Browner, one of our guests on yesterday’s show, is the former EPA administrator under President Clinton, who also served in the Obama administration. Now she helps lead a group called Nuclear Matters, which is bullish on nuclear power. Today, … Continue reading

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“Polar-vortex resistant nuclear” not so “resistant” after all via Nuclear Energy Information Service

CHICAGO—Nuclear proponents like Exelon Corporation are quick to claim that nuclear power was “reliable energy” during last year’s “polar vortex” days compared to its fossil fuel rivals. It seems that crowing may have been premature. The Pilgrim-1 nuclear reactor near … Continue reading

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福島第1原発事故 全漁連、「処理水」の海洋放出方針に抗議 via FNN News

全漁連(全国漁業協同組合連合会)は、福島第1原発事故で放射性物質に汚染された水を処理して海に放出する方針が示されたことに抗議し、要望書を提出した。 (略) 全漁連の岸会長と福島県漁連の野崎会長は、宮沢経産相と会談し、原子力規制委員会が21日、原発の廃炉を進めるため、放射性物質を除去する施設「ALPS(アルプス)」で処理し、規制基準を満たした処理水を海洋放出するなどとする方針を明文化したことについて、抗議した。 岸会長らが「安易な放出を行わない」とする国の方針を継続するよう要望書を手渡したのに対し、宮沢経産相は「方針を堅持する」と述べ、風評被害を取り除くよう、関係省庁で取り組む姿勢を示した。

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German court to decide on nuclear exit complaints this year via Reuters

(Reuters) – Germany’s highest court aims to decide this year on complaints filed by the country’s biggest utilities against a decision to shut down its nuclear plants earlier than initially planned, a court spokesman said on Tuesday. E.ON (EONGn.DE), RWE … Continue reading

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Austria is 100 percent nuclear-free via Renewable International

On 1 January 2015, Austria’s “ban” on imports of nuclear power went into effect as planned. The event has gone as unreported in the English-speaking world as was the original announcement. On Twitter this morning, Stephen Tindale asked me a … Continue reading

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原発依存の福井「夕張市の道歩む」 九州大大学院教授が警鐘 via 福井新聞

市民団体「原発立地の悩みを分かちあう福井県民の会」と、脱原発を目指す有識者らでつくる「原子力市 民委員会」(東京)は26日夜、越前市福祉健康センターで公開勉強会を開いた。「原発ゼロ社会に向けた立地自治体の課題」をテーマに、約40人が脱原発後 の立地地域の再生について考えた。 同委員会座長の吉岡斉・九州大大学院教授、鯖江市出身の大島堅一・立命館大教授らが出席し、議論した。 吉岡教授は、財政破たんした旧産炭地の北海道夕張市を例に挙げ「(原発に依存する)福井県は夕張市に近い道を歩んでいるのではないか。今のビジョンは原発周辺に製造業を立ち上げていくという構想で、何十年前かの相似形を見ているようだ」と批判。 (略) 立地地域を代表して美浜町の松下照幸さんは「自立プランは自分たちで考え、美浜は廃炉のパイオニアとして頑張らないといけない」と強調した。 同委員会は勉強会の議論を踏まえ、国への提言などにつなげる。 全文は原発依存の福井「夕張市の道歩む」 九州大大学院教授が警鐘

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