Legendary No Nuker Michael Mariotte Passes On via EcoWatch

Michael Mariotte was a giant in the No Nukes movement. From the 1980s on he has been at the forefront of some of the great Solartopia campaigns, writing, strategizing and moving us all. He was a major factor in defeating reactors proposed for Calvert Cliffs, Maryland and a uranium facility in Louisiana among much much else.

As head of the Nuclear Information and Resource Service, he fed a mighty stream of brilliant analysis, great strategy and beautiful sentiment.  A great friend and an accomplished punk rock drummer, Michael was absolutely irreplaceable.


For a full hour on the Solartopia Green Power & Wellness show, we hear from his beloved friends, co-conspirators and fellow victorious activists sing his praises. Take a listen here.

Read more at Legendary No Nuker Michael Mariotte Passes On 

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One Response to Legendary No Nuker Michael Mariotte Passes On via EcoWatch

  1. norma field says:


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