What could you have been thinking of, Nuclear Regulatory Commission? via OpEdNews


To the Nuclear Regulatory Commission

What could you be thinking of in transporting high level radioactive waste, the most toxic substance in the universe, across many miles in many states?

What could you be thinking of in wanting to bury this high level radioactive waste in low income communities? This is not environmental justice,in fact – just the opposite. Bury it in your own yards instead of theirs.

What could you be thinking of in wanting to bury this high level radioactive waste in communities of color? This is White Supremacy. Bury it in your own yards instead of theirs.

What could you thinking of in calling this burial “temporary”? Another lie, and we’ve got plenty [borrowing from Holly Near] from you already.

What could you be thinking of in allowing nuclear power plants anywhere at any time since radioactive waste lasts millions of years? See the film “Containment” with people you love. Will you want your children to see this film, to know this, will you tell them?

What could you be thinking of in allowing nuclear power plants anywhere at any time, since there is no way to get rid of this high level radioactive waste? Again, see the film “Containment” with people you love. Will you want your children to see this film, to know this, will you tell them?


What could you be thinking of in not caring that “Children are 10 to 20 times more vulnerable to the carcinogenic effets of radiation than adults?” [Dr. Helen Caldicott] Will you tell your children, grandchildren, great grandchildren,nieces nephews this?

What could you be thinking of in not caring that girls are more sensitive to radiation than boys? [Dr. Helen Caldicott] Will you tell your children, grandchildren, great grandchildren, nieces, nephews this? Read and see the film on Hulu “The Handmaid’s Tale” and watch it with the women you love in your lives.

What could you be thinking of in not caring that women are more sensitive to radiation then men? [Dr. Helen Caldicott] Will you tell this to the women in your lives? Read and see the film on Hulu “The Handmaid’s Tale” and watch it with the women you love in your lives. Margaret Atwood, the author, sends the least valued women in this cautionary tale – elders, other women who cannot bear children – to clean up the radioactive waste and they die there while they are cleaning.

What could you be thinking of in not caring that fetuses are thousands of times more sensitive, more prone to cancer than adults? [Dr. Helen Caldicott] Will you tell this to the women in your lives?”The Handmaid’s Tale” again is your required assignment and to watch with the women in your lives.

Read more at What could you have been thinking of, Nuclear Regulatory Commission? 

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