Nuclear Accident in India Worse than Reported vie SimplyInfo

The nuclear accident that occurred at the Kakrapar nuclear plant in India on March 11th is much worse than the press has been reporting. Dr. Surendra Gadekar writes over at about what has actually happened at the plant.

A detailed technical explanation of the reactor failure is explained along with a number of key pieces of information that prove the accident is much worse than the government and press have reported. On top of the new technical evidence that shows this is a major reactor problem, a radiation release was likely. Also, there was a request put out for more “green level” nuclear workers to come to the plant. This would indicate the need for those capable of highly technical work in a possibly high radiation environment.

The tube failures at the reactor raise concerns about retrofit work around the world after the San Onofre nuclear plant had a massive steam generator tube failure after a recent retrofit. Kakrapar had coolant channel retrofit work done in 2011.

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