The latest on Fukushima (interview with Bo Jacobs) via ABC Queensland

There was a real buzz in the media a couple of weeks ago when we heard the news that Tokyo will host the 2020 Olympic Games. The Japanese government has been quick to assure any would-be travellers that any issues with the stricken Fukushima nuclear power plant will be well and truly sorted out by then.

I’d even heard of one idea that involves putting a huge wall of ice underneath the plant to stop it from leaking contaminated water into the groundwater. Ideas aside, my understanding is that the issue has far from gone away. In the immediate aftermath of Fukushima I spoke with Bo Jacobs. He’s a research associate professor at the Hiroshima Peace Institute.

I thought it was time to catch up with him again. I started by asking Bo about how the Japanese people have reacted to a recent decision not to indite officials of TEPCO which operates the nuclear plant at Fukishima.

TO listen to the interview, visit The latest on Fukushima

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