Smithsonian Accepts Three-Mile Island Plant Mutation Collection via Nuclear Hotseat

Libbe HaLevy
This Week’s Featured Interviews: 
  • Smithsonian accepts Mary Osborn’s Three Mile Island radiation/plant mutation collection.  Mary Osborn, a long time member of Three Mile Island Alert, has been gathering flowers, leaves and plants that show signs of fasciation – mutations that reveal the negative impact of radiation on their growth and reproduction since shortly after the 1979 meltdown.  Her full collection has been accepted by the Smithsonian Institution to be preserved, digitized, and made available to the public.  This is a HUGE win!  We spoke on January 17, 2019.
  • Scott Portzline of TMIAlert sprovides background explanation of what it took to get the Smithsonian to consider Mary’s collection – and how rare it is that they accept anything that is offered to them, making this acceptance a real score.
  • Inspired by the work of Daniel Ellsberg, activists Robert Manning and Kenny Dubroff have created a new website and an action to take.  An explanatory video narrated by Peter Coyote and the anti-nuclear weapons pledge they ask that you sign are at:
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