Tens of thousands of protesters attend anti-nuclear events in Tokyo via The Asahi Shimbun

With all the nation’s 50 nuclear reactors offline, an estimated 40,000 people attended a series of demonstrations in central Tokyo on Oct. 13 organized by three anti-nuclear civic groups to express their opposition to the government’s push for restarts.

In the events called “One for No Nukes,” participants raised their voices in protest, saying, “No to restarts.”

The Metropolitan Coalition against Nukes organized the protests along with two civic groups “Sayonara Genpatsu 1,000 mannin Action” (Good-bye to nuclear power through action by 10 million people) and “Genpatsu wo Nakusu Zenkoku Renrakukai” (National conference on abolishing nuclear power plants).

At a rally held in the early afternoon at Tokyo Metropolitan Hibiya Public Hall in Chiyoda Ward, Nobel Prize-winning writer Kenzaburo Oe, a member of Sayonara Genpatsu 1,000 mannin Action, appealed for more efforts to stop the first restart of any of the reactors.

“If an opportunity to restart the nuclear reactors is given at some point in six months or a year, it will be impossible to push back the momentum to the restarting of the nuclear plants,” he said.

Mayuko Mizuno, an office worker, brought her 3-year-old daughter to the demonstrations.

“I am concerned about my daughter’s future as I am afraid that the operation of the nuclear reactors will restart little by little,” said Mizuno, 39.

She added, “I’d like to keep raising my voice (against the restart of the reactors).”

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