U.S. to Suspend Obligations Under 1987 Nuclear Treaty With Russia via The Wall Street Journal

U.S. to begin six-month process of withdrawal from Intermediate-range Nuclear Forces pact

WASHINGTON—The U.S. will suspend its obligations under a Cold War-era arms control treaty with Russia and said it would begin withdrawing from the pact, after talks to compel Russia to destroy missiles and launchers the U.S. maintains breach the agreement failed, the White House said on Friday.


Friday’s announcement from the Trump administration follows revelations that Russia has expanded its deployment of its Novator 9M729 missile, which Russia insists is fully compliant with the treaty.

Signed by President Ronald Reagan and Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev, the pact was hailed as a landmark treaty signaling the end of the Cold War. The 1987 treaty bans U.S. and Russian land-based missiles that can fly between 300 and 3,400 miles.

The missile system was first fielded in 2017. Its continued production and deployment underscores the importance the Russians place on it, even as they have advocated resolving the U.S. allegations through diplomacy.

NATO “fully supports” the U.S. suspension and notification of withdrawal, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said Friday.

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