CAB tables debate on German spent nuclear fuel via The Star

Citizens Advisory Board, or CAB, could not agree on how to proceed with their recommendations for the receipt of German spent nuclear fuel for treatment and storage at SRS, resulting in the topic being tabled for another meeting.


CAB board members were not the only ones with concerns, after receiving many emails from the public, including concerns over the German spent nuclear fuel proposal.

According to the draft document, CAB has several concerns in key areas of the German spent nuclear fuel proposal, including whether it’s needed.

According to the document, DOE has failed to establish a compelling purpose saying, “A formal Memorandum by National Nuclear Security Administration clearly states that the German spent nuclear fuel ‘is not a proliferation concern.’ Therefore, bringing it to the US for safeguarding is unnecessary.”

According to the document, the German spent nuclear fuel is very stable and Germany is “a wealthy and stable first-world ally, capable of safety and securely managing this spent nuclear fuel.”

The draft document also stated that the DOE has not identified all reasonable alternatives.


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