NRA says fault under reactor at Shika N-plant could be active via News on Japan

A survey team of experts under the Nuclear Regulation Authority said in a draft report Friday that the possibility cannot be ruled out that a fault running under important facilities for the No. 1 reactor at the Shika nuclear power plant in central Japan is active.
Hokuriku Electric Power Co., which owns the plant in Ishikawa Prefecture, may be forced to decommission the idled reactor, because the country’s new nuclear safety standards do not allow key nuclear facilities to be installed above active faults.According to the draft report, part of the S-1 fault under the No. 1 reactor building may have moved in the past 120,000-130,000 years.


The report also did not rule out the possibility that the S-6 fault, beneath the pipes under the plant’s No. 2 reactor to take in seawater as a coolant, and the S-2 fault, connecting with S-6, moved 120,000-130,000 years ago or later.
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