French energy minister expresses support for new nuclear via Power Engineering International

The French minister for energy, Segolene Royal, has indicated that the government is in favour of building a new generation of nuclear reactors to replace France’s ageing fleet.


President Francois Hollande promised a makeover in France‘s energy policy during his 2012 election campaign, and lawmakers in the lower house of parliament voted last year to reduce reliance on nuclear from more than 75 per cent to 50 per cent within a decade.

However it now looks likely that the government will continue to keep nuclear a major component in France’s energy production despite reducing it in favour of renewables.

That bill, currently under Senate consideration, would cap production of electricity from nuclear reactors at 63.2 GW, meaning the construction of any new power plant would require putting an old plant into retirement.

Read more at French energy minister expresses support for new nuclear

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