Sellafield Safety Shocker: Nuclear waste abandoned 40 years ago lies in rotting containers open to the elements via Irish Mirror

Whistle-blower’s photos lay bare risk of disaster as expert warns it’s another Fukushima waiting to happen

These photos of highly radioactive waste in crumbling ponds proves Sellafield is a Fukushima-like nuclear disaster waiting to happen on our doorstep.

These alarming images show nuclear waste abandoned 40 years ago lying in rotting containers in decaying tanks which are open to the elements.

While Sellafield portrays itself as a modern facility using latest technology the photos paint a picture of wanton neglect and reckless management of the most toxic substance ever created.

The images were leaked by a concerned worker who wanted the world to know parts of the plant – which is nearly 70 years old – are falling apart.


Nuclear exert John Large fears a massive radioactive leak.

He told The Ecologist website: “Looking at the photos I’m very disturbed at the degraded and rundown condition of the structures and support services. In my opinion there is a significant risk the system could fail.

“I’d say there’s many hundreds of tonnes in there. It could give rise to a very big radioactive release.

“It’s not for me to make comparisons with Chernobyl or Fukushima, but it could certainly cause serious contamination over a wide area and for a very long time.”

The alarming photos show cracked concrete tanks half-full of water contaminated with high levels of radiation.

Read more at Sellafield Safety Shocker: Nuclear waste abandoned 40 years ago lies in rotting containers open to the elements

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