Monthly Archives: December 2011

Research reactor ceiling catches fire via The Japan Times Online

MITO, Ibaraki Pref. — A fire Tuesday partially burned the ceiling of a building housing a nuclear reactor in Tokai, Ibaraki Prefecture, the prefectural government and the reactor’s operator said. The fire broke out at around 9:30 a.m. and was … Continue reading

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New nuke agency to have 500 staff, ¥50 billion budget: Hosono via The Japan Times Online

The new nuclear safety agency to be launched in April under the Environment Ministry will consist of about 500 staff members and is expected to secure some ¥50 billion in the fiscal 2012 budget, Environment Minister Goshi Hosono said Tuesday. … Continue reading

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東電、電気料金に上乗せ 保養所維持管理費 高利子の財形貯蓄 via 東京新聞

 東京電力が、保養所や接待施設の維持管理費、年8・5%もの利子が付く財形貯蓄などさまざまな社員優遇に必要な費用を、電気料金を決める際の原価に算入し、電気料金で回収していたことが本紙の調査で分かった。こうした事実を東電も認めている。東電の手厚い福利厚生は、電力会社を選ぶことができない消費者の負担によって維持されてきたことになる。 続きは 東電、電気料金に上乗せ 保養所維持管理費 高利子の財形貯蓄

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3/11 memories haunt American at No. 1 plant via The Japan Times Online

The Taiwan-based Pillitteri, 53, evacuated the plant that day and left Japan on March 15. He said he had been traumatized, overwhelmed by the events he witnessed on the disaster day. But on Dec. 3, he returned to Fukushima Prefecture … Continue reading

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[Editorial] Nuclear crisis far from resolved via The Japan Times Online

Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda on Dec. 16 declared that the stricken reactors at Tokyo Electric Power Co.’s Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant have entered the state of “cold shutdown” and that it has been confirmed that the nuclear crisis … Continue reading

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Japan earthquake, tsunami and Fukushima nuclear disaster: 2011 review via The Telegraph

Not so long ago, Fukushima was a quiet rural region of Japan, renowned for its green mountains, hot springs and sweet summer peaches. Today, however, the Fukushima region, in northeast Japan, has more sinister associations: it has achieved global notoriety … Continue reading

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厚労省:乳児用食品は50ベクレル…セシウム新規制値案via 毎日jp

食品に含まれる放射性セシウムの新たな規制値について、厚生労働省は20日、新設する粉ミルクなどの「乳児用食品」は1キロあたり50ベクレル、子供がよく飲む「牛乳」も同50ベクレルなどとする案をまとめた。全世代で摂取量が多い「飲料水」は最も厳しい同10ベクレル、現行の「野菜類」「穀類」「肉・卵・魚・その他」の3区分を一つにまとめた「一般食品」は同100ベクレルとした。  厚労省は10月、規制値の算定根拠となる被ばく線量の上限を、年間5ミリシーベルトから1ミリシーベルトへ引き下げることを決めた。これに伴い、食品の規制値も現行の1キロあたり200~500ベクレルより厳しくする。 続きは 厚労省:乳児用食品は50ベクレル…セシウム新規制値案

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NRC Head Jaczko Satisfied With Response to Fukushima Disaster via Bloomberg Businessweek

Dec. 20 (Bloomberg) — U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Chairman Gregory Jaczko said he’s satisfied with Tokyo Electric Power Co.’s efforts to end the crisis at the Fukushima nuclear plant. Jaczko said the melted fuel in the reactors has cooled enough … Continue reading

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India flaunts poverty of its moral leadership, brandishing an ad hoc, reactive nuclear policy via The Japan Times Online

CANBERRA — The Australian Labor Party has just endorsed, albeit narrowly, Prime Minister Julia Gillard’s call to lift the contentious policy of the ban on uranium sales to India, although the latter is not a signatory to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation … Continue reading

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Fukushima probe to avoid assessing quake damage via The Japan Times

A government panel investigating the triple-meltdown crisis at the Fukushima No. 1 power plant will not provide in its interim report any in-depth analysis on how badly the March 11 earthquake damaged key facilities before the tsunami arrived, sources said … Continue reading

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