Tag Archives: Australia

Australia Picks A Nuclear Waste Disposal Site – Now The Dance Begins via Forbes

James Conca Australia’s Federal Resources Minister, Keith Pitt, has declared that the national nuclear waste storage facility will be at Napandee, near Kimba, on South Australia’s Eyre Peninsula. The choice was widely expected as the government had already picked Napandee as its preferred site. When one … Continue reading

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Australia Lines Up Honeymoon Uranium Mine as Nuclear Momentum Builds via Bloomberg

By James Thornhill The planned restart of a mothballed uranium mine in Australia — the world’s third-largest producer — is a fresh sign that developers are beginning to respond to an improving demand outlook and the support of the Biden administration … Continue reading

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Nuclear test veterans: ‘My dad was treated like a guinea pig’ via BBC

By Chris Wood When David Purse was sent to Australia, he thought it would be a “wild adventure” in a little-explored place. However, the RAF flight lieutenant’s posting to a remote area called Maralinga was to test atomic weapons.  Son … Continue reading

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Britain’s nuclear past: the fallout from the High Explosive Research programme via History Extra

British nuclear tests conducted in the 1950s exposed many thousands of servicemen to high levels of radiation. Gordon Murray explores the poisonous legacy of the euphemistically named High Explosive Research programme | By Gordon Murray “We were ordered to kill … Continue reading

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Small modular reactor rhetoric hits a hurdle via Jim Green

The promotion of ‘small modular reactors’ (SMRs) in Australia has been disrupted by the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) and the Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO). The latest GenCost report produced by the two agencies estimates a hopelessly uneconomic construction cost of A$16,304 … Continue reading

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Matt Canavan announces nuclear waste dump location in South Australia via The Guardian

Farm on Eyre Peninsula volunteered by owner to house low and medium risk waste […] On Saturday the federal resources minister, Matt Canavan, said 160 hectares of the Napandee property in Kimba would host Australia’s radioactive waste, the vast majority … Continue reading

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How Does a Nation Adapt to Its Own Murder? via the New York Times

Australia is going up in flames, and its government calls for resilience while planning for more coal mines. By Richard Flanagan Mr. Flanagan is a novelist. BRUNY ISLAND, Australia — The name of the future is Australia. These words come from … Continue reading

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What Australia type fire may tell us about the possibility of nuclear disasters via DiaNuke.org

Pinar Demircan […] Things could have been much worse if the fires had reached the region where uranium mines are located in Australia, which supplies 12% of the uranium fuel used in nuclear power plants operating worldwide; Australia however, has … Continue reading

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‘The most divisive thing’: two small towns brace for a vote on nuclear waste via The Guardian

Calla Wahlquist Whatever the result, the communities on South Australia’s Eyre peninsula are split over the issue – and will be for some time After four years of speculation and three years of consultation, the small towns of Kimba and Hawker … Continue reading

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Is the push for nuclear power a covert push for nuclear weapons?via Renew Economy

Mark Diesendorf and Richard Broinowski A recent push for nuclear power in Australia has been promoted by the usual public advocates and amplified by the Murdoch press. The arguments are predictable both in their optimism and inaccuracy: nuclear power reactors … Continue reading

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