US Spent $98,000 Per Minute on Nuclear Weapons in 2023, New Report Says via Truthout

By Jon Letman

June 17, 2024

As raging wars in Gaza and Ukraine and sharpening geopolitical tensions fuel instability and uncertainty, global spending on nuclear weapons surged by more than 13 percent to $91.4 billion in 2023, according to a newly published report by the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN).

According to the report, last year the world’s nine nuclear-armed nations all increased spending on their arsenals at a rate equivalent to $250 million per day. The largest rise in nuclear spending was by the United States, with a nearly 18 percent increase over 2022 to $51.5 billion — the equivalent of nearly $98,000 per minute — more than the other eight countries combined.

As the U.S. continues to modernize all three legs of its nuclear triad (bombers, submarines and intercontinental ballistic missiles), in 2023, it spent more than four times the amount spent by China, the second-highest-ranked nuclear nation.

By comparison, China increased its spending on nuclear weapons 6.7 percent to $11.9 billion, followed by Russia at $8.3 billion, the third-highest spender. Both the U.S. and Russia have a total inventory of more than 5,000 nuclear weapons. With 500 of its own nuclear weapons, China remains a distant third, but analysts say it is “significantly expanding” the size of its arsenal.


ICAN, which has been monitoring global nuclear weapons spending since 2019, reports that total spending has increased by 34 percent ($23.2 billion) over the last five years. That works out to a cumulative total of $387 billion for nine nuclear-armed nations to maintain, modernize and expand nuclear arsenals over five years. During that period, all nine have consistently increased their nuclear spending.

The report notes that in 2021 the executive director of the World Food Programme estimated that global hunger could be eradicated by 2030 for $360 billion, $27 billion less than what the nine nuclear nations spent in five years.


Lobbying and Profiting

At the heart of the sharp rise in nuclear weapons spending are multinational corporations. Some are household names, but most are unknown to the public. For these companies and their shareholders, the production of nuclear weapons generates tens of billions of dollars in profits.

ICAN’s report offers detailed summaries of 20 prominent companies which in 2023 spent over $118 million to lobby government officials and support think tanks. Last year these companies gained almost $8 billion in new contracts that support the nuclear weapons enterprise in multiple countries.

Last year the world’s nine nuclear-armed nations all increased spending on their arsenals at a rate equivalent to $250 million per day.

Top ranked among the 20 companies included in the report were Honeywell International ($6.1 billion), Northrop Grumman ($5.9 billion) and BAE Systems ($3.3 billion) based on reported 2023 nuclear weapons-related revenue.

Honeywell, which builds key components for missiles designed to carry nuclear weapons, also supports management and operations of multiple U.S. nuclear weapons production facilities. According to the ICAN report, in 2023, the company spent over $10 million lobbying in France and the U.S.

Northrop Grumman, one of the world’s largest weapons manufacturers, plays a central role in nuclear weapons production, including Sentinel, the replacement for the aging Minuteman III intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBM), which is mired in cost overruns. In its own news release, Northrop Grumman reported a $426 million sales increase in 2023 for the program that will replace the Minuteman III, which are housed in underground silos in Colorado, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota and Wyoming.

Honeywell and Northrop Grumman did not respond to Truthout’s requests for comment.


Read more.

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1億4000万円かけた対策は「ポーズ」と住民は見透かす 要支援者向け「被ばく防止施設」に担架が入らない via 東京新聞 [後編]

2024年6月11日 06時00分













 放射線防護施設 原発事故時にすぐに避難することが難しい高齢者や障害者らを、一時的に受け入れる。内閣府の補助事業で全国の原発の30キロ圏に約300施設、柏崎刈羽原発の周辺に約20施設を設置した。病院や高齢者施設、学校などを指定。既存の建物に、放射性物質を室内に入れないための陽圧化装置を備え付け、二重サッシなどで気密性を高める。体育館に専用テントを張って受け入れるケースもある。気密性が高い分、一部の木造施設では湿気で傷みが進み、問題化したこともあった。


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被爆者らのゲノム解析 放影研方針、次世代への影響調査 via 日本経済新聞




全文は被爆者らのゲノム解析 放影研方針、次世代への影響調査 via 日本経済新聞

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「おなか張る」から、亡くなるまで4カ月…生身の人間を苦しめたトロトラスト 知識ゼロから始まった「日本初の薬害」の取材 via 信濃毎日新聞








 専門家への取材を重ねると、長崎大原爆後障害医療研究所(長崎市)にトロトラスト患者の資料が保管されていることが分かり、昨年2月に訪ねた。資料保管室にあったのは、今も放射線を出し続けているという患者の臓器の標本や、患者に関する大量の紙の資料。その中に「都道府県別」と書かれたファイルがあった。長野県のページを開いた時に気付いた。「あれ? 女性が1人いる」。女性が傷痍軍人である可能性は低い。県内の13人が載ったリストには、国の支援を受けていないとみられる患者が他にも数人いた。





全文は「おなか張る」から、亡くなるまで4カ月…生身の人間を苦しめたトロトラスト 知識ゼロから始まった「日本初の薬害」の取材 via 信濃毎日新聞

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福島第1原発で汚染水トラブル連発、経済産業相が東京電力を指導 「覚悟が見えない」地元もバッサリvia東京新聞

2024年2月21日 19時16分













 福島第1原発の汚染水処理 1〜3号機内の溶け落ちた核燃料(デブリ)に触れた冷却水が汚染水となり、建屋に流入する地下水や雨水と混ざって増加。1日当たり約90トンが発生している。汚染水は除染設備で放射性セシウムやストロンチウムを低減した後、多核種除去設備(ALPS)でトリチウムを除く大半の放射性物質を除去して貯蔵タンクに保管。昨年8月24日に処理水の海洋放出が始まり、処理水に大量の海水を混ぜてトリチウム濃度を国の排水基準の40分の1未満にした上で、沖合約1キロの海底から放出している。


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It’s not just toxic chemicals. Radioactive waste was also dumped off Los Angeles coast via LA Times


FEB. 21, 2024 5 AM PT

For decades, a graveyard of corroding barrels has littered the seafloor just off the coast of Los Angeles. It was out of sight, out of mind — a not-so-secret secret that haunted the marine environment until a team of researchers came across them with an advanced underwater camera.

Speculation abounded as to what these mysterious barrels might contain. Startling amounts of DDT near the barrels pointed to a little-known history of toxic pollution from what was once the largest DDT manufacturer in the nation, but federal regulators recently determined that the manufacturer had not bothered with barrels. (Its acid waste was poured straight into the ocean instead.)

Now, as part of an unprecedented reckoning with the legacy of ocean dumping in Southern California, scientists have concluded the barrels may actually contain low-level radioactive waste. Records show that from the 1940s through the 1960s, it was not uncommon for local hospitals, labs and other industrial operations to dispose barrels of tritium, carbon-14 and other similar waste at sea.


And in the process of digging up old records, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency discovered that from the 1930s to the early 1970s, 13 other areas off the Southern California coast had also been approved for dumping of military explosives, radioactive waste and various refinery byproducts — including 3 million metric tons of petroleum waste.


The company, now defunct, had received a permit in 1959 to dump containerized radioactive waste about 150 miles offshore, according to the U.S. Federal Register. Although archived notes by the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission say the permit was never activated, other records show California Salvage advertised its radioactive waste disposal services and received waste in the 1960s from a radioisotope facility in Burbank, as well as barrels of tritium and carbon-14 from a regional Veterans Administration hospital facility.

Given recent revelations that the people in charge of getting rid of the DDT waste sometimes took shortcuts and just dumped it closer to port, researchers say they would not be surprised if the radioactive waste had also been dumped closer than 150 miles offshore.


The sobering reality, he noted, is that it wasn’t until the 1970s that people started to take radioactive waste to landfills rather than dump it in the ocean.

He pulled out an old map published by the International Atomic Energy Agency that noted from 1946 to 1970, more than 56,000 barrels of radioactive waste had been dumped into the Pacific Ocean on the U.S. side. And across the world even today, low-level radioactive waste is still being released into the ocean by nuclear power plants and decommissioned plants such as the one in Fukushima, Japan.

“The problem with the oceans as a dumping solution is once it’s there, you can’t go back and get it,” said Buesseler, a senior scientist at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution and director of the Center for Marine and Environmental Radioactivity. “These 56,000 barrels, for example, we’re never going to get them back.”


“It’s extremely overwhelming. … There’s still so much we don’t know,” said John Chesnutt, a Superfund section manager who has been leading the EPA’s technical team on the ocean dumping investigation. “Whether it’s radioactivity or explosives what have you, there’s potentially a wide range of contaminants out there that aren’t good for the environment and the food web, if they’re really moving through it.”

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仏で保管のプルトニウム 九州電力と四国電力の原発で利用へ via NHK News Web

2024年2月17日 8時01分








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夜廻り猫[第九二五話] SPEEDI

SPEEDI 2024年2月9日

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Congress torpedoes a Biden nominee and casts doubt on nuclear safety via Bulletin of Atomic Scientists

By Allison Macfarlane | February 6, 2024

The Biden administration’s recent abandonment of Jeff Baran for another term as member on the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) bodes ill for the independence of the agency—and the safety and security of the country. A longtime commissioner, Baran reportedly did not have enough support from some senate Democrats to win another nomination.

His crimes? Being “an overzealous regulator overtly hostile to nuclear energy.”

Senate Democrats say they would prefer a nominee who is not “too focused on safety.” But the NRC is not a pro- or an anti-nuclear group; it’s an independent regulator, whose mission is to protect public health and safety, ensure security, and protect the environment.

Baran’s opponents in the Senate and in public interest groups cited his track record of being the lone NRC commissioner (of five) to consistently vote in favor of more environmental protection and safety. But with the other four votes typically going in the opposite direction, the decisions favored by the nuclear industry often won out. Baran was hardly a threat to the industry. Does the nuclear industry and its supporters really want the NRC to become an echo chamber instead of a balanced and trusted regulator?


Many in the nuclear industry are hoping to herald a yearned-for renaissance through the commercialization of small modular and advanced reactors. In the United States, none of these reactor designs has ever been constructed, let alone actually demonstrated. That has not stopped the industry and its promoters from claiming that small modular reactors (SMRs) are safer and cheaper than existing large light water reactors—though because they have not been demonstrated, let alone achieved commercial success, the actual costs and safety issues are unknown. For nuclear power supporters, what is holding the industry back from making a dent in fossil fuel usage is the NRC.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

For years, the NRC has worked proactively with the nascent SMR industry, providing guidance as to how to follow the design certification and licensing processes. And recall that Congress structured the NRC as a fee-for-service agency that must recover 90 percent of its budget from fees paid by licensees by law. This means the agency doesn’t get paid until an application is submitted, but regulators have already done a lot of work even before anyone has submitted a license application. And even then, the fees from the agency are a tiny fraction of what it costs to bring a reactor to commercialization. For instance, in the NRC’s Design Certification process, the agency’s fees amount to between 2.5 and 7.5 percent of the total costs of the reactor.

But blaming the NRC for the industry’s woes is a red herring that deflects the real challenges and uncertainties of developing a new technology onto the regulator. Even if the NRC stopped charging fees and gave all license applications a pass on rigorous safety requirements, the SMR industry would still struggle to commercialize its products. That is because the real issue with these reactors is their economics: SMRs are expensive technologies, especially compared to the cheap cost of wind, solar, and natural gas. And costs for renewables keep decreasing every year.


 To be functional, the NRC must have commissioners who have some technical understanding of nuclear facilities they are supposed to regulate. In the past, commissioners have been drawn from the Navy, academia, and other government agencies.

Over the last 20 years, however, the trend has been to tap congressional staffers—who are by definition political and clearly embody a means for members of Congress to interfere with NRC decision-making—to be commissioners. Such a practice has introduced politics directly into agency processes. The agency performs best, however, when it makes reasonably objective decisions based on expert knowledge of a complex technology. The United States should consider itself lucky compared to other nuclear operating nations because it has a diverse pool of nuclear experts to draw from to sit on the regulatory commission. Sadly, the increasing politicization of the NRC’s Senate confirmation process prevents the agency from benefitting from those experts, which undermines the safety of US nuclear facilities.


It’s in the industry’s best interests to have an independent regulator. As many in the industry say, “an accident anywhere is an accident everywhere.”

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