Kharkiv to remember Chernobyl and Fukushima via The Kharkiv Times

From April 19 to May 8, Kharkiv will host a series of poster exhibitions devoted to accidents at nuclear power plants of Chernobyl and Fukushima, civilforum informs (RU).

The project “Life after Chernobyl and Fukushima” created by graphic designers of “4th Block” and “ErmilovCenter” in the scope of the European Week of Memory. The event also includes workshops, reviews and lectures of famous designers.

“We realized that the anniversary can not be left without attention, and conceived the action “Chernobyl 30, Fukushima 5″. It consists of 35 posters by designers from around the world,” said Ilya Pavlov, curator of the “4th Block
“The issue of ecology, definitely, is very important. Unfortunately, only once a year we’re able to talk about it. The exhibition is an occasion once again to remind this fact,” commented Anastasia Leonova, director of the gallery Come In.

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