Over 70% of Japanese Against Nuclear Power Plants After Fukushima Tragedy via Sputnik

Over 70 percent of the Japanese are in favor of completely or partially abandoning the use of nuclear power plants (NPP) in the country after the Fukushima disaster, a poll revealed Thursday.

TOKYO (Sputnik) — According to Japan’s NHK broadcaster that conducted the survey, 22 percent of respondents want the country to abandon nuclear power plants in the country entirely, while 49 percent partially supported the idea.The poll revealed that only 3 percent of those surveyed think that the Japanese authorities should continue building new NPPs.


Of those polled by the broadcaster, 22 percent think that there has been no progress in dealing with the consequences of the Fukushima disaster.

The results of the survey are based on the responses of 2,550 people across the country.

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