Total blackout of Fukushima truth by U.S. media; sailors suffer and die while denial continues via Natural News

(NaturalNews) Nearly four years after a major tsunami created the massive tidal wave that destroyed much of Japan’s Fukushima nuclear power complex in the northern part of the country, spewing radioactive waste into the air and surrounding Pacific Ocean, the truth about the after-effects of that disaster continue to reside in the shadows.

For example, one of the most under-reported stories of all pertaining to the disaster — and one that should be of particular interest to Americans — is the fate of a number of crewmembers aboard the USS Ronald Reagan, the U.S. Navy carrier sent to assist Japanese military and civilian authorities in the immediate aftermath of the quake.

According to German magazine Der Spiegel, the Reagan had been dispatched to the Fukushima site the day of the disaster, March 11, 2011, and the massive warship with its 4,500 officers and crew reached the area the next day, anchoring just north of Sendai, where it remained on station for several weeks.

“I’ve removed six thyroid glands”

Under the mission codename of “Tomodachi,” which means, “friends,” the warship and its crew provided relief and assistance, as Japanese authorities and military units struggled to contain fires and radioactive waste. In the end, four of the six Tokyo Electric Power Company-owned reactors were damaged, three heavily, and ground crews worked feverishly to keep exposed reactor cores cool enough to prevent massive explosions.


But now, as Der Spiegel notes, years later, more and more of the Reagan‘s crew has “mysteriously” become ill, including those like Master Chief Petty Officer Leticia Morales. On a host of medications and having undergone batteries of tests, she struggles to remember details about her everyday life.


In the last year-and-a-half, she [Master Chief Petty Officer Leticia Morales] has seen oncologists, radiologists, cardiologists, blood specialists, kidney specialists, gastrointestinal specialists, lymph node experts and metabolic specialists. “I’m now spending half the month in doctors’ offices,” she says. “This year, I’ve had more than 20 MRTs. I’ve simply lost track.”

It was Morales’ endocrinologist who asked her the question that made her start to wonder about Fukushima and about the “official line” regarding radiation exposure. He asked if she had been aboard the Reagan during Tomodachi, and she said she had.

The endocrinologist then said he had also removed six thyroid glands from other sailors aboard the Reagan, and it was then that Morales put together her own poor health and her participation in the operation.

Read more at Total blackout of Fukushima truth by U.S. media; sailors suffer and die while denial continues


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