Kiev Could Have Triggered a Nuclear Disaster in Donbass – Former PM via Sputnik

Former Ukrainian Prime Minister Mykola Azarov noted that he is “disgusted” with the Ukrainian military’s constant shelling of heavily industrialized areas in Donbass, which he said have led to several nuclear and ecological close calls.

 “It disgusts me that there are constant artillery strikes being carried out against Donetsk and other localities, like Gorlovka,” Azarov noted, giving an interview to Russian news channel LifeNews. “Gorlovka, for those who don’t know, is a city filled with chemical plants. It has several huge chemical producers, including producers of combustible materials. How can Kiev fire at this city, knowing that if a round hits a pipeline, this could lead to a serious ecological catastrophe?”The former prime minister underscored that Kiev’s strategy of regularly firing artillery rounds at industrial centers demonstrates their absolute lack of responsibility with regard to the potential consequences. “I cannot understand the decisions taken by Kiev on the basis of elementary common sense,” he noted.

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