Daily Archives: 2012/01/09

Germany: High of 3,000 MW in December alone via PV Magazine

The annexing of PV systems in 2011 has been concluded to have been even higher than in record year 2010, says the German Federal Network Agency. In 2011, approximately 7,500 MW of PV installations were installed. The Federal Network Agency … Continue reading

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福島第1原発:60代男性が作業中、心肺停止状態に via mainichi.jp

東京電力は9日、福島第1原発で作業をしていた協力企業社員の60代男性が作業中に倒れて意識を失い、心肺停止状態になったと発表した。この日の被ばく線量は52マイクロシーベルトだった。原発での作業に携わった期間や、これまでの累積被ばく線量は確認中という。 続きは福島第1原発:60代男性が作業中、心肺停止状態に

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For how much longer will Japan’s fate remain in the hands of amateurs? via The Japan Times Online

Roger Pulvers … How can the Japanese people rediscover the sense of accomplishment and hope that sustained them for decades following the end of World War II in 1945? The fact is, however, that this question cannot be seriously addressed … Continue reading

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