Children’s Book about Nuclear Power named among the Best in Family-friendly Media via LISWire

By nutpubco (not verified) – Posted on 04 January 2012

Apex, NC, January 5, 2012–Mom’s Choice Awards has named Nuclear Power: How a Nuclear Power Plant Really Works! among the best in family-friendly media, products and services in the children’s picture book and science and technology categories.

The book is an educational and entertaining look at the inner workings of a nuclear power plant. It is told from the perspective of a chubby white rat and a pretty blue bird who blame everything they don’t understand about nuclear energy on a cat named Penelope.

The Mom’s Choice Awards (MCA) is an awards program that recognizes authors, inventors, companies, parents and others for their efforts in creating quality family-friendly media, products and service.

“I walked a fencepost between creativity and the technicalities the nuclear industry demanded and it’s great to receive validation from the experts,” said author Amelia Frahm.

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Nuclear Power: How a Nuclear Power Plant Really Works!

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