Tag Archives: health effects

Lost in Ignorance: Fukushima フクシマ:ロスト・イン・イグノランス(10月14日)

New Scientist誌に掲載された最近のインタビュー記事(2017年5月10日)の中で、放射線の専門家山下俊一氏は「福島の問題は、恐怖こそが人を死に至らしめるという点にある」と断言しました。これに対して私たちは、致命的なのは恐怖ではなく電離放射線被曝の悪影響に関する無知であるという点について、理性的な観点からその理由を検討することを提案します。そのためには、福島における健康上の危険を否定することにつながる「無知の創造」のメカニズムを理解する必要があります。 恐怖ではなく無知こそが致命的であり、また、もし致命的な恐怖があるとすると、それは、自らの既得権益が脅威に晒されている状況で原子力を提唱し続ける専門家が抱いている恐怖で、それが損害を与え犠牲者を生み出すものです。本シンポジウムの参加者はそれぞれの専門の観点から、この点について検討します。 【学術責任者、司会】セシル・浅沼=ブリス、アンヌ・ゴノン、影浦峡、ティエリー・リボー 14 octobre de 10:00 à 18h30 L’expert médical Shunichi Yamashita affirmait encore récemment dans un entretien pour le New Scientist daté du 10 mai 2017 : « le problème à Fukushima est que la peur est … Continue reading

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Navajo Nation Artists Respond to the Threat of Uranium Radiation via Hyperallergic

Nuclear contamination from abandoned uranium mines is rampant across the Navajo Nation, and a community of artists is raising awareness through a street art project and gallery exhibition. FLAGSTAFF, Ariz. — A large-scale human rights violation is occurring in the … Continue reading

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3rd Circuit Rejects Bid to Revive Nuclear Plant Exposure Cases via The Legal Intelligencer

[…] On Wednesday, a split three-judge panel of U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit affirmed a ruling by the Western District of Pennsylvania that dismissed on summary judgment more than 70 cases related to a nuclear power plant in Apollo, … Continue reading

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Tearful Koizumi backs U.S. vets suing over 2011 nuclear disaster via The Asahi Shimbun

CARLSBAD, California–Former Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi broke down in tears as he made an emotional plea of support for U.S. Navy sailors beset by health problems they claim resulted from radioactive fallout after the 2011 nuclear disaster. More than 400 … Continue reading

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15,000 Abandoned Uranium Mines. Native American “No-Nukes” Protests in Washington DC via Global Research

We are the Miner’s Canary’: Indigenous Organizations Call for Clean Up of ‘Homegrown’ Radioactive Pollution Crisis. On Thursday, January 28 at 12:30 PM, representatives of Indigenous organizations from the Southwest, Northern Great Plains, and supporters called for “no nukes” in … Continue reading

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Fukushima Forever via HuffPost

Charles Perrow Fukushima is just the latest episode in a dangerous dance with radiation that has been going on for 68 years. Since the atomic bombing of Nagasaki and Hiroshima in 1945 we have repeatedly let loose plutonium and other … Continue reading

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Fukushima: Is the CNRS a purveyor of ignorance?* Or Fukushima: the CNRS does not tell the truth and indoctrinates the masses* by Thierry Ribault

On January 7 2013, CNRS (the French National Center for Scientific Research) gave access to a « scientific multimedia site » on nuclear energy intended for the general public. As a CNRS researcher trained in economics, based in Japan, where … Continue reading

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【audio】THE ONGOING DAMAGE AND DANGER AT FUKUSHIMA via Fairewinds Energy Education

AG: Well, I am at a million. Well the nuclear industry is obviously throwing barbs at my number, but they are claiming that maybe a hundred people will die from the accident. HC: Oh, that is ridiculous. AG: But I … Continue reading

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