広島原爆の日の式典、周辺での「平和運動」を締め出しへ 公園一帯で「入場規制」、プラカードやのぼりは禁止 via 東京新聞


























 前に公園内の韓国人原爆犠牲者慰霊碑に足を運んだ。日本は米国の原爆の被害者だが、アジアとの関係では加害者でもある。立場の違いも含め原爆の実相を知り、犠牲者を悼み、核なき世界を願う場と思ってきた。戦後79年の夏空に「NO WAR」と掲げられる公園であってほしい。(恭)


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U.S. Solar and Wind Power Generation Tops Nuclear for First Time via OilPrice.com

By Charles Kennedy – Jul 11, 2024, 11:30 AM CDT

For the first time ever, U.S. electricity generation from utility-scale solar and wind exceeded nuclear power plants’ power output in the first half of 2024, according to data from energy think tank Ember quoted by Reuters columnist Gavin Maguire.

Electricity generation from solar and wind hit a record-high of 401.4 terawatt hours (TWh) between January and June 2024, surpassing the 390.5 TWh of power generated from nuclear power plants, Ember’s data showed.

Solar power generation jumped by 30% and electricity output from wind power rose by 10% in the first half of 2024, compared to the same period of last year.

In 2023, nuclear power accounted for 18.6% of U.S. electricity generation, while wind power output had a 10.2% share and solar accounted for 3.9% of total U.S. electricity output, according to data for 2023 from the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA).

Ember has estimated that the share of wind and solar grew to 16% in 2023, when nuclear was still the largest source of low-carbon electricity in the U.S.

However, expanding renewable energy capacity and record solar and wind power generation helped solar and wind combined to top nuclear as the biggest low-carbon electricity source during the first half of this year.  

Early in 2024, the EIA said that wind and solar energy would lead growth in U.S. power generation for the next two years.  


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The long path of plutonium: A new map charts contamination at thousands of sites, miles from Los Alamos National Laboratory via Searchlight New Mexico

For years, the public had no clear picture of Los Alamos National Laboratory’s plutonium footprint. Had the ubiquitous plutonium at LANL infiltrated the soil? The water? Had it migrated outside the boundary of the laboratory itself?

A series of maps published by Nuclear Watch New Mexico are beginning to answer these questions and chart the troubling extent of plutonium on the hill. One map is included below, while an interactive version appears on Nuclear Watch New Mexico’s website. The raw data for both comes from Intellus New Mexico, a publicly accessible clearinghouse of some 16 million environmental monitoring records offered in recent decades by LANL, the New Mexico Environment Department and the Department of Energy.

Approximately 58,100 red dots populate each map at 12,730 locations, marking a constellation of points where plutonium — a radioactive element used in nuclear weapons — was found in the groundwater, surface water or soil. What’s alarming is just how far that contamination extends, from Bandelier National Monument to the east and the Santa Fe National Forest to the north, to San Ildefonso tribal lands in the west and the Rio Grande River and Santa Fe County, to the south.

The points, altogether, tell a story about the porous boundary between LANL and its surrounds. So pervasive is the lab’s footprint that plutonium can be found in both trace and notable amounts along hiking trails, near a nursing home, in parks, along major thoroughfares and in the Rio Grande.

Gauging whether or not the levels of plutonium are a health risk is challenging: Many physicians and advocates say no dose of radiation is safe. But when questions about risk arise, one of the few points of reference is the standard used at Rocky Flats in Colorado, where the maximum allowable amount of plutonium in remediated soil was 50 picocuries per gram. Many sites on the Nuclear Watch map have readings below this amount. Colorado’s construction standard, by contrast, is 0.9 picocuries per gram. 

Nuclear Watch’s driving question, according to Scott Kovac, its operations and research director, concerned a specific pattern of contamination: Had plutonium migrated from LANL dump sites into regional groundwater? The answer, Kovac believes, is yes. 


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LANL plans to release highly radioactive tritium to prevent explosions. Will it just release danger in the air? via Searchlight New Mexico

Last fall, the international community rose up in defense of the Pacific Ocean. Seafood and salt purveyors, public policy professors, scientists and environmentalists, all lambasted Japan’s release of radioactive wastewater from the disastrously damaged Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant into the sea.

At the heart of the contention was tritium, an element that, by mass, is 150,000 times more radioactive than the plutonium used in the cores of nuclear weapons. Odorless and colorless, tritium — the radioactive form of hydrogen — combines with oxygen to form water. Just one teaspoon is enough to contaminate 100 billion gallons more water up to the U.S. drinking water standard, according to Arjun Makhijani, an expert on nuclear fusion and author of the monograph, “Exploring Tritium Dangers.”

What didn’t make international headlines — but was quietly taking place on the other side of the world — was Los Alamos National Laboratory’s own plans to vent the same radioactive substance into northern New Mexico’s mountain air. Japan’s releases would take place over three decades. LANL’s would include up to three times more tritium — and take place in a matter of days.


Those controversial plans date back to 2016, when LANL discovered that a potentially explosive amount of hydrogen and oxygen was building up in four containers of tritium waste stored in a decades-old nuclear dump called Area G. The safest and most technically viable solution, the lab decided — and the best way to protect workers — would be to release the pressure and, with it, thousands of curies of tritium into the air.

When advocates caught wind of the venting in March 2020, Covid was in its earliest and most unnerving phase. Pueblo leaders, advocates and environmentalists wrote impassioned letters to the lab and the EPA, demanding that they change or, at the very least, postpone the release until after the pandemic. At the same time, Tewa Women United, a nonprofit founded by Indigenous women from northern New Mexico, issued its first online petition, focusing on tritium’s ability to cross the placental barrier and possibly harm pregnant women and their fetuses. Only after a maelstrom of opposition did the lab pause its plans and begin briefing local tribes and other concerned members of the community. 

“We see this as a generational health issue,” said Kayleigh Warren, Tewa Women United’s food and seed sovereignty coordinator. “Just like all the issues of radioactive exposure are generational health issues.”


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US Spent $98,000 Per Minute on Nuclear Weapons in 2023, New Report Says via Truthout

By Jon Letman

June 17, 2024

As raging wars in Gaza and Ukraine and sharpening geopolitical tensions fuel instability and uncertainty, global spending on nuclear weapons surged by more than 13 percent to $91.4 billion in 2023, according to a newly published report by the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN).

According to the report, last year the world’s nine nuclear-armed nations all increased spending on their arsenals at a rate equivalent to $250 million per day. The largest rise in nuclear spending was by the United States, with a nearly 18 percent increase over 2022 to $51.5 billion — the equivalent of nearly $98,000 per minute — more than the other eight countries combined.

As the U.S. continues to modernize all three legs of its nuclear triad (bombers, submarines and intercontinental ballistic missiles), in 2023, it spent more than four times the amount spent by China, the second-highest-ranked nuclear nation.

By comparison, China increased its spending on nuclear weapons 6.7 percent to $11.9 billion, followed by Russia at $8.3 billion, the third-highest spender. Both the U.S. and Russia have a total inventory of more than 5,000 nuclear weapons. With 500 of its own nuclear weapons, China remains a distant third, but analysts say it is “significantly expanding” the size of its arsenal.


ICAN, which has been monitoring global nuclear weapons spending since 2019, reports that total spending has increased by 34 percent ($23.2 billion) over the last five years. That works out to a cumulative total of $387 billion for nine nuclear-armed nations to maintain, modernize and expand nuclear arsenals over five years. During that period, all nine have consistently increased their nuclear spending.

The report notes that in 2021 the executive director of the World Food Programme estimated that global hunger could be eradicated by 2030 for $360 billion, $27 billion less than what the nine nuclear nations spent in five years.


Lobbying and Profiting

At the heart of the sharp rise in nuclear weapons spending are multinational corporations. Some are household names, but most are unknown to the public. For these companies and their shareholders, the production of nuclear weapons generates tens of billions of dollars in profits.

ICAN’s report offers detailed summaries of 20 prominent companies which in 2023 spent over $118 million to lobby government officials and support think tanks. Last year these companies gained almost $8 billion in new contracts that support the nuclear weapons enterprise in multiple countries.

Last year the world’s nine nuclear-armed nations all increased spending on their arsenals at a rate equivalent to $250 million per day.

Top ranked among the 20 companies included in the report were Honeywell International ($6.1 billion), Northrop Grumman ($5.9 billion) and BAE Systems ($3.3 billion) based on reported 2023 nuclear weapons-related revenue.

Honeywell, which builds key components for missiles designed to carry nuclear weapons, also supports management and operations of multiple U.S. nuclear weapons production facilities. According to the ICAN report, in 2023, the company spent over $10 million lobbying in France and the U.S.

Northrop Grumman, one of the world’s largest weapons manufacturers, plays a central role in nuclear weapons production, including Sentinel, the replacement for the aging Minuteman III intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBM), which is mired in cost overruns. In its own news release, Northrop Grumman reported a $426 million sales increase in 2023 for the program that will replace the Minuteman III, which are housed in underground silos in Colorado, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota and Wyoming.

Honeywell and Northrop Grumman did not respond to Truthout’s requests for comment.


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1億4000万円かけた対策は「ポーズ」と住民は見透かす 要支援者向け「被ばく防止施設」に担架が入らない via 東京新聞 [後編]

2024年6月11日 06時00分













 放射線防護施設 原発事故時にすぐに避難することが難しい高齢者や障害者らを、一時的に受け入れる。内閣府の補助事業で全国の原発の30キロ圏に約300施設、柏崎刈羽原発の周辺に約20施設を設置した。病院や高齢者施設、学校などを指定。既存の建物に、放射性物質を室内に入れないための陽圧化装置を備え付け、二重サッシなどで気密性を高める。体育館に専用テントを張って受け入れるケースもある。気密性が高い分、一部の木造施設では湿気で傷みが進み、問題化したこともあった。


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被爆者らのゲノム解析 放影研方針、次世代への影響調査 via 日本経済新聞




全文は被爆者らのゲノム解析 放影研方針、次世代への影響調査 via 日本経済新聞

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「おなか張る」から、亡くなるまで4カ月…生身の人間を苦しめたトロトラスト 知識ゼロから始まった「日本初の薬害」の取材 via 信濃毎日新聞








 専門家への取材を重ねると、長崎大原爆後障害医療研究所(長崎市)にトロトラスト患者の資料が保管されていることが分かり、昨年2月に訪ねた。資料保管室にあったのは、今も放射線を出し続けているという患者の臓器の標本や、患者に関する大量の紙の資料。その中に「都道府県別」と書かれたファイルがあった。長野県のページを開いた時に気付いた。「あれ? 女性が1人いる」。女性が傷痍軍人である可能性は低い。県内の13人が載ったリストには、国の支援を受けていないとみられる患者が他にも数人いた。





全文は「おなか張る」から、亡くなるまで4カ月…生身の人間を苦しめたトロトラスト 知識ゼロから始まった「日本初の薬害」の取材 via 信濃毎日新聞

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福島第1原発で汚染水トラブル連発、経済産業相が東京電力を指導 「覚悟が見えない」地元もバッサリvia東京新聞

2024年2月21日 19時16分













 福島第1原発の汚染水処理 1〜3号機内の溶け落ちた核燃料(デブリ)に触れた冷却水が汚染水となり、建屋に流入する地下水や雨水と混ざって増加。1日当たり約90トンが発生している。汚染水は除染設備で放射性セシウムやストロンチウムを低減した後、多核種除去設備(ALPS)でトリチウムを除く大半の放射性物質を除去して貯蔵タンクに保管。昨年8月24日に処理水の海洋放出が始まり、処理水に大量の海水を混ぜてトリチウム濃度を国の排水基準の40分の1未満にした上で、沖合約1キロの海底から放出している。


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