Data on illnesses other than cancer (2010-2017) from Minimamisoma Municipal General Hospital, Fukushima (Part 1) via Etsuji Watanabe

( Minamisoma City Councilperson Koichi Oyama succeeded in having Minamisoma Municipal Hospital disclose patient statistics from 2010-2017 for public discussion at a Council meeting on September 12, 2018. “Summary” below calculated by Etsuji Watanabe from figures in “Disorders” chart obtained by Councilperson Oyama. Note Fukushima Medical University’s insistence on attributing all of these conditions to the stresses of evacuation.

Part 2 to address solid cancers and leukemia. Translation by Norma Field.)

Summary of rates in patient increase at Minamisoma Municipal General Hospital by category (2010-2017)

Obesity            28x

High blood pressure   1.86x

Diabetes          1.83x

Dyslipidema    2.08x

 (low HDL levels)

Chronic kidney disease           3.65x

Liver dysfunction         3.88x

Polycythemia  4.5x

Atrial fibrillation         3.79x

Stroke 3.52x

“Disorders for which evacuation caused by the East Japan Great Earthquake can be considered a risk factor”:

2010-2017 data from Minamisoma Municipal Hospital on seven disorders deemed attributable to evacuation according to Fukushima Medical University

[CLICK on charts to enlarge]


◇Japanese post here.

◇Part 2 here.

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9 Responses to Data on illnesses other than cancer (2010-2017) from Minimamisoma Municipal General Hospital, Fukushima (Part 1) via Etsuji Watanabe

  1. Thank you for this useful data. I collected radioactive samples from the roof of the Minamisoma. Town hall under the newly installed solar collectors. The results were startlingly high.

  2. Steve Leeper says:

    What about thyroid cancer, blood disorders, respiratory disorders, fatigue, odd bleeding, loss of hair, and other symptoms for which radiation could be a risk factor? Have you looked at that in the past?

  3. nfield says:

    Just to make sure, it’s not ME (Norma Field), friends! Just transmitting hospital data that a city council person managed to get a hospital to disclose, so we have what they track. And please keep in mind this report doesn’t include cancers, including leukemia. Those are to follow. if more local politicians could muster the courage to demand such data …. I appreciate that it takes courage since this would immediately be construed as detrimental to “reconstruction,” and that can in fact hurt economically vulnerable people, given the current sociopolitical structure.

    Thyroid cancers, for those who were 0-18 at the time of the disaster, are officially followed by Fukushima Prefecture, though there’s constant effort to scale back on the grounds that since they can’t really be attributed to the nuclear disaster (again, that’s not me talking), the results only caused worry to the people of Fukushima.

    For the official announcements on thyroid cancer, Dr. Yuri Hiranuma does a good job keeping us up at Fukushima Voice version 2e (providing both English translation and the original Japanese reports). And this is only in Japanese, but the independent journalist Shiraishi Hajime has done terrific work on health effects (and many other topics), published on the organization she started up, Our Planet TV. Here is the link to Fukushima-related materials.

  4. nfield says:

    Also see Professor Eichiro Ochiai’s 2015 article”Human Consequences of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Accidents,” which, among other things, has valuable data on various ills culled from around the country.

  5. The Minamisoma city council verified with the Minamisoma Municipal General Hospital business office that the data in question represents cumulative patient visits. Once a patient is registered through the hospital system with a certain diagnosis, subsequent visits are counted cumulatively for accounting purposes unless the patient’s information is removed from the system due to reasons such as death or transfer to another hospital. The city council chair has issued a written warning to the city council member Koichi Oyama who originally disseminated the data. (Source: Hirono town council member, Kenichi Abe)

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