Analysis of WHO report on Fukushima catastrophe via IPPNW

Analysis of WHO report on Fukushima catastrophe Dr. med. Alex Rosen*
University Childrens Clinic Düsseldorf August 3rd, 2012

On May 23rd, 2012, the World Health Organization (WHO) published what it called a “Preliminary dose estimation from the nuclear accident after the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami”. The report aims to provide timely and authoritative information on the anticipated scale of doses in members of the public for the first year after the accident” in order to “estimate at global level the potential health consequences of human exposure to radiation during the first year after the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant accident.” The media response to the WHO publication echoed the reassuring messages of the report itself:
•    “WHO: Post-Fukushima radiation levels in Japan ‘low’” (BBC, May 24th, 2012)

•    “WHO: Radiation exposure near Fukushima plant within safe limits (Asahi Shimbun, May 23rd, 2012)

•    “Radiation danger through Fukushima nuclear disaster less than expected” (Spiegel, May 24th,2012)

•    “Most Fukushima radiation doses within norms – WHO” (Reuters, May 23rd, 2012)

•    “Fukushima Radiation mostly within accepted levels” (AFP, May 23rd, 2012)

Whether or not these optimistic headlines portray the true situation in Fukushima remains to be seen. This paper analyzes the WHO report by attempting to answer three simple questions:

•    What does the report say? Which information is actually contained in the report, what are its main conclusions and how do the findings compare to the numbers published by other sources?

•    What does the report not say? Which important information was left out of the report, which obvious conclusions were not drawn from the raw data and where does the report show bias

•    Who wrote the report? Which organizations and individuals were responsible for putting together the report and what are their motives?

Download the report at Analysis of WHO report on Fukushima catastrophe

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