Ontario to waste $27 billions on electricity via The Bulletin

Why would Ontario spend $33 billion rebuilding Darlington when we can get replacement power from Quebec at one-fifth the cost?

Hydro Quebec announced that it will not proceed with its proposed Gentilly-2 Nuclear Re-Build Project. According to Hydro Quebec, the total cost of re-building Gentilly-2 would be $6.3 billion, including decommissioning.

On the other hand, the Government of Ontario is still planning to proceed with the Darlington Nuclear Re-Build Project. Darlington is 5.2 times the size of Gentilly-2 (3524 megawatts vs. 675 megawatts), which means that based on Hydro Quebec’s cost estimates, the total cost of the Darlington Re-Build Project would be $33 billion.

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