State AG Cites ‘Multiple, Grave Concerns’ Over Indian Point Nuclear Plant Decommissioning via Daily Voice

 Zak Failla

New York State Attorney General Letitia James has expressed “multiple, grave concerns” about the decommissioning of Indian Point Energy Center in Westchester.

On Thursday, Jan. 23, it was announced that the federal Nuclear Regulatory Commission accepted an application from the owner of Indian Point to transfer the power plant to Holtec International for decommissioning.

In response, James spoke out with her concerns over Holtec’s lack of experience.

“It is essential that the decommissioning of Indian Point be rapid, complete, and safe,” she said in a statement. “In that light, I have multiple, grave concerns about the application now before the Nuclear Regulatory Commission that would hand off the responsibility for Indian Point’s decommissioning to a company with absolutely no experience in such an enormous, complex, and consequential undertaking.

Three years ago, Entergy – Indian Point’s owner – announced it would be shutting down the power plant in 2021. One reactor is scheduled to be decommissioned this spring, with a second planned to go down next year.

Last week, Holtec presented its plan to the public, stating that it will earmark more than $2 billion to tear down the plant.

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