The stays — the first in either Okuma or the town of Futaba, cohosts of the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear plant — are in preparation for the eventual lifting of the nuclear evacuation order. They will mark the first time since the March 2011 triple-meltdown at the plant that Okuma citizens will be permitted to stay in their homes overnight.
The eased rules will apply to two of the town’s districts: Ogawara, already a “restricted residency” zone with annual accumulated radiation doses more than 20 millisieverts and less than 50 millisieverts; and Nakayashiki, an “evacuation order cancellation preparation” zone with annual doses less than 20 millisieverts. Together, the districts make up Okuma’s “recovery base,” but with 379 people in 139 households, they make up just 3.6 percent of the town’s pre-disaster population.
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