Letter: Bring the nuclear weapons treaty into fruition this year via The Mercury News

My vision for the new year is to end the threat of nuclear war so our children, who will inherit our beautiful Earth, can grow up without fear of instant annihilation.


In July, 122 countries voted to adopt the “Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons.” The treaty opened for signatures at the UN in September — 56 countries have formally signed on. The treaty will enter into force 90 days after the 50th country ratifies it.

The International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons received the Nobel Peace Prize in December for its work to achieve a treaty-based prohibition of nuclear weapons. ICAN is a partnership of more than 400 groups in 100 countries, including Tri-Valley CAREs. Join me in working to bring the treaty to fruition this year. For more information: www.icanw.org and www.trivalleycares.org.

Jo Ann Frisch
Tri-Valley CAREs

Read more at Letter: Bring the nuclear weapons treaty into fruition this year

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