Disasters waiting to happen: 8 most dangerous nuclear plants near earthquake fault lines via RT

The Japanese government says there won’t be any catastrophic damage, this time, at its nuclear facilities following Thursday night’s devastating earthquake and subsequent aftershocks.

Nine people are confirmed dead and more than 1,000 others injured after a 6.5-magnitude quake hit east of the city of Kumamoto.

The disaster revived terrifying memories of the Fukushima disaster, when a 15-meter post-quake tsunami caused a nuclear meltdown that polluted a sizeable portion of the country for decades.

Japan’s Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga confirmed that there were no abnormalities at any nuclear facilities in the area, the Japan Times reported.

Despite the ‘all clear’, dozens of potential atomic bombs operate along seismic fault lines. Here are eight of the most deadly, including one that may never be built because of Fukushima.

Koeberg nuclear power plant, Capetown

Koeberg is the only nuclear power plant on the continent of Africa and just 8km from the Milnerton fault, which crosses Table Bay.

While the largest earthquake to hit the city came more than 200 years ago, the Milnerton fault has the potential to hit at least 6.5 on the Richter scale.


Diablo Canyon Power Plant, California


Indian Point, New York


Jaitapur Nuclear Power Project, India


Columbia Generating Station, Washington state


Arkansas Nuclear One, Arkansas


Sendai Nuclear Power Station, Japan


Akkuyu Nuclear Plant, Turkey

Read more at Disasters waiting to happen: 8 most dangerous nuclear plants near earthquake fault lines

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