Deadly 9.4 sieverts detected outside Fukushima reactor 2 containment vessel; checks stop via The Japan Times

Tokyo Electric Power Co. said Thursday that radiation levels of up to 9.4 sieverts per hour have been detected outside a reactor containment vessel at the meltdown-hit Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant.

People exposed to the maximum radiation dose for some 45 minutes will die. Tepco expects decontamination work to take at least one month.

Sept. 4-25 checks found the extremely high radiation levels at a cell that accommodates a pipe connected to the containment vessel of reactor 2 at the plant, which was devastated by the March 2011 earthquake and tsunami, Tepco said.

The highest contamination was detected on the floor. Details behind the situation are unknown, according to the company.


Extremely high radiation levels and the inability to grasp the details about melted nuclear fuel make it impossible for the utility to chart the course of its planned decommissioning of the reactors at the plant.

Read more at Deadly 9.4 sieverts detected outside Fukushima reactor 2 containment vessel; checks stop

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