India’s indigenous nuclear submarine Arihant to undergo missile firing tests via The Economic Times

NEW DELHI: India’s first indegenously developed nuclear submarine Arihant, which has “successfully” completed the sea trials held so far, will undergo its maiden missile firing test this month, top defence sources said.

The aim is to handover the submarine to the Indian Navy during the International Fleet Review scheduled in February next year in Vishakapatnam, they said.

“The tests held so far has been successful. We will, this month, fire Nirbhay missile from the submarine which will be followed by firing of another type of missile,” the sources said.

While Nirbhay is a 1000-km-long range subsonic cruise missile, the next missile would be India’s first Subamrine Launched Ballistic Missile (SLBM), which has a range of about 700 kms.

These would be followed by another few rounds of tests.

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