Experts question ice wall at Japan nuclear plant via The Washington Post

TOKYO — Experts on Friday expressed skepticism about a plan to build a costly underground frozen wall at Japan’s crippled nuclear plant, a development that could delay the start of construction on the project.
Dale Klein, a former U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission chairman who now heads a supervisory panel for TEPCO, said he was not convinced the frozen wall is the best option and is worth the high cost. He also suggested that the government and TEPCO review the plan to balance risk and benefit and see whether they should spend the money elsewhere.
More than three years after the March 2011 meltdowns, the plant is still plagued by a massive amount of contaminated water. Repeated water leaks from storage tanks and other mishaps at the plant have hampered a decommissioning effort that is expected to take decades and caused environmental concerns among local fishermen.

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