「朝日のあたる家」がAFPのニュースで紹介されました。via SonnyのモノローグMonolog

~英語では原発のことを Nuclear Power Plant 等と言いますが、ニュース記事にはPower Plantということばは一言も出てきません。英語では原発もひっくるめて「核」なのです。原子力産業Nuclear Industry「核産業」なんです。反原発運動反核運動と一緒なのです。原子力という言葉自体、核爆弾を投下された国民たちにとって聞こえが悪いので、「原子力」という響きのいい言葉を使うようになったのではないでしょうか。

英語 和訳
This Japanese film almost never saw the light of day.
“The House of the Rising Sun” tells the story of a family torn apart by a nuclear disaster.
A subject so sensitive in Japan that the director found it impossible to finance his project through conventional means.
But the groundswell of anti-nuclear feeling following the Fukushima disaster persuaded Takafumi Ota to turn to the public.
He raised 100,000 dollars through crowd-sourcing – and the film’s now being screened in independent cinemas.
Takafumi Ota, Director of “The house of the rising sun” :
“The media talks less and less about the problem of nuclear refugees. I asked myself what I could do as a director. I decided to make a film to voice the message that newspapers and televisions don’t.”
Three years after the Fukushima disaster and the anti-nuclear demonstrations are waning.
The Japanese media barely give them any airtime – even if surveys show most people are still against the industry.
Kazuo, Demonstrator :
“Japanese people have a tendency to be quite passive. And it’s such a tough fight that many have given up. But we have to keep going!”
The pro-nuclear lobby is an impressive foe, whose reach spans many sectors .
デモ参加女性: 「日本人はとても消極的な傾向があります。そしてこれは大勢の人があきらめてしまったほどに難しい戦いなのです。でも私たちは続けていくしかないんです!」




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