‘Fukushima made us sick’: Two Navy veterans join federal lawsuit against the Tokyo Electric Power Company over nuclear power plant meltdown via Daily Mail Online

Two U.S. Navy veterans are joining a federal lawsuit against the Tokyo Electric Power Company filed by fellow sailors who say the Japanese power company mislead them about potential dangers after the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster.
Quartermasters Jaime Plym and Maurice Enis are the latest two military service members to blame the nuclear power plant meltdown for making them sick.
The two say they were afflicted with multiple illnesses, including repeated cases of bronchitis, strange lumps and other ailments.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2291365/Fukushima-sick-Two-Navy-veterans-join-federal-lawsuit-Tokyo-Electric-Power-Company-nuclear-power-plant-meltdown.html#ixzz2NLmlGwo1

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