[Event announcement] The Lessons of Fukushima

The Lessons of Fukushima
A Symposium for Education, Collaboration, Inspiration

February 24-25, 2012
Willamette University
College of Law
John C. Paulus Lecture Hall
245 Winter Street SE
Salem, Oregon 97302

General Information
The disastrous earthquake and tsunami that hit northern Japan on March 11, 2011, drew the immediate attention and sympathy of the international community. Successive meltdowns and malfunctions at the Fukushima nuclear power plants heightened global concern and the disaster continues to unfold one year later with no end in sight. The Fukushima disasters present challenges not only to the Japanese people and nation-state, but to the world at large.

The symposium
This symposium, “The Lessons of Fukushima,” will reflect on this continuing tragedy and the world’s response. What can we learn from Fukushima? What is our collective responsibility as educators, activists, and citizens in the face of this natural and human tragedy? In presenting this symposium, we seek to identify and learn from the global lessons of Fukushima.

Scholars, community advocates, students, citizens, and government representatives are coming together on February 24-25 from Japan, Canada, and the U.S. to share knowledge and perspectives on the broad theme of “The Lessons of Fukushima.” We intend the symposium to function as a vehicle for education and collaboration.

For more information, see The Lessons of Fukushima

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