Search Results for: France

Refusing to learn the lessons from Chernobyl, Poland embarks on a rash nuclear power program via Beyond Nuclear International

By Beata Cymerman […] The Chernobyl disaster in Poland The government of Poland didn’t immediately release an official statement regarding the catastrophe. Poland was a satellite state of the Soviet Union. After the day of the explosion, April 26, no … Continue reading

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Why molten salt reactors are problematic and Canada investing in them is a mistake via The Conversation

MV Ramana One of the beneficiaries of the run-up to a potential federal election has been the nuclear energy industry, specifically companies that are touting new nuclear reactor designs called small modular reactors. The largest two financial handouts have been to … Continue reading

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German, Austrian investors press EC to exclude nuclear from taxonomy via IPE magazine

German and Austrian asset managers have sent a letter to the European Commission asking it not to classify nuclear energy as a sustainable economic activity under the taxonomy framework. The letter was sent under the umbrella of Forum Nachhaltige Geldanlagen … Continue reading

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Pretending Not to See Brazen Lies: The Rule of Law and Nuclear Madness via The Bullet

Judith Deutsch The latest brazen lie is the “rule of law” upheld by US President Joe Biden at the G7 and NATO summits, especially lies about lawlessness surrounding nuclear weapons. During the presidency of the Donald Trump years (2017 to … Continue reading

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Nuclear Stockholm Syndrome via Counterpunch

By Robert Jacobs Bhaskar Sunkara’s recent opinion piece extoling the virtues of nuclear power and castigating its opponents as paranoid and ill-informed, is clearly motivated by his deep concerns over the dire impacts of global warming, which loom closer by the hour. … Continue reading

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Japan’s plutonium stockpile climbs to 46.1 tons in 2020, first rise in 3 years via The Mainichi

[…] Plutonium is extracted from spent nuclear fuel generated at nuclear plants, for the purpose of recycling. However, the international community has expressed concerns over Japan’s large plutonium stockpile, saying it could be converted into nuclear weapons. According to the … Continue reading

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EDF launches the “EPR2” via Beyond Nuclear International

By Stéphane Lhomme The politics of “fait accompli” will ensure a new industrial and financial disaster Editor’s note: Despite the latest safety failures at the Taishan EPR in China; the endless delays and cost over-runs at the EPR projects in France … Continue reading

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Nuclear legacy is a costly headache for the future via Climate News Network

June 28th, 2021, by Paul Brown How do you safely store spent nuclear waste? No-one knows. It’ll be a costly headache for our descendants. LONDON, 28 June, 2021 − Many states are leaving future generations an unsolved and costly headache: how … Continue reading

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The Taishan death blow via Beyond Nuclear International

By Stéphane Lhomme, Nuclear Observatory If the opacity maintained by the Chinese regime prevents us, for the time being, from knowing the exact consequences of the radioactive leak involving the EPR no.1 reactor at Taishan, revealed on June 14 by … Continue reading

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Nuclear reactor problem a new headache for designer and China via Daily Mail

By AFP The emergence of problems in a new-generation nuclear reactor in China threatens to undermine efforts by its French designer to sell it elsewhere, and could hurt Beijing’s nuclear industry, analysts said. French energy giant EDF and the Chinese government … Continue reading

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