Search Results for: France

China nuclear reactor: French partner calls meeting over leak via Al Jazeera

A Chinese nuclear power plant is raising concerns on Monday after the facility’s minority French owner said it had been informed of a leak in one of the power station’s reactors and has called a meeting with its Chinese partner … Continue reading

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Support for a global pact banning nuclear weapons is growing within NATO, an advocacy group says via The New York Times

By Rick Gladstone As President Biden and his NATO counterparts focus on nuclear-armed Russia at their summit meeting on Monday, they may also face a different sort of challenge: growing support, or at least openness, within their own constituencies for the … Continue reading

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Leçons de Fukushima Entretien Bruno Chareyron 日本語字幕付via Nos Voisins Lointains 3.11

Vidéo éditée et sous-titré en japonais de l’interview de Bruno Chareyron de la CRIIRAD Arriver dans des zones aussi contaminées et voir qu’on y laisse vivre les enfants 東電福島第一原発事故由来の放射能による環境汚染、被ばくの測定について、フランスの市民団体2つが深く関わっています。ノルマンディーに本拠があるアクロ(ACRO)と南仏に位置するクリラッド(CRIIRAD)です。 Deux associations françaises sont profondément impliquées dans les mesures de la contamination … Continue reading

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Kate Brown : « Nous n’avons tiré aucune leçon de Tchernobyl » via AOC

Par Raphael Bourgois Dans sa version originale, le nouvel ouvrage de Kate Brown, Tchernobyl par la preuve : vivre avec le désastre et après (paru en mars aux éditions Actes Sud), s’intitule Manual for Survival: A Chernobyl Guide to the Future (W. W. Norton & Company, 2019), un manuel et … Continue reading

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Plutonium programs in East Asia and Idaho will challenge the Biden administration via Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists

By Frank N. von Hippel Among the Biden administration’s nuclear challenges are ongoing civilian plutonium programs in China and Japan. Also, South Korea’s nuclear-energy research and development establishment has been asserting that it should have the same “right” to have a … Continue reading

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Toxique: The Aftermath of French Nuclear Testing in the South Pacific via Princeton School of Public and International Affairs

By B. Rose Huber Between 1966 and 1996, the French government conducted 193 nuclear weapon tests in the islands of the South Pacific. These explosions profoundly altered the health, wellbeing, and environment of the people living in this region, who … Continue reading

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The deterrence myth: The naked emperor who’s still in power via Beyond Nuclear International

By David Barash In his classic The Evolution of Nuclear Strategy (1989), Lawrence Freedman, the dean of British military historians and strategists, concluded: ‘The Emperor Deterrence may have no clothes, but he is still Emperor.’ Despite his nakedness, this emperor continues to … Continue reading

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Who’s minding the nuclear file? Oversight needed for New Brunswick’s risky plutonium plan via NB Media Co-op

$50.5 million in federal taxpayer dollars for controversial technology to “recycle” used nuclear fuel by Susan O’Donnell and Gordon Edwards Pierre Elliot Trudeau banned the extraction of plutonium from used nuclear fuel in Canada. Yesterday Justin Trudeau lifted the ban under … Continue reading

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Essais nucléaires en Polynésie: les victimes invisibles de l’armée via Mediapart

Plongeurs, électriciens, pilotes d’avion, mécaniciens, matelots… Entre 1966 et 1974, plus de 90 000 personnes ont été mobilisées par l’armée française pour assurer le bon déroulement de la campagne d’essais atmosphériques en Polynésie française. En première ligne pendant près d’une décennie, … Continue reading

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Isolated and alone via Beyond Nuclear International

A teenager’s account of the Fukushima ordeal By Linda Pentz Gunter Ten years after the March 2011 Fukushima nuclear disaster, how has the Japanese government responded and what is it like for the people affected, still struggling to return their … Continue reading

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