Eight countries. 2,056 nuclear tests. 71 years via The Washington Post

In the name of national security, eight countries have tested nuclear weapons all over the world since 1945, frequently near populated places. Related: North Korea conducts fifth nuclear test, claims it has made warheads with ‘higher strike power’.

Eight countries have performed nuclear tests. The United States and U.S.S.R. have performed the most explosive tests in history.

“Yield,” a measure of how much energy an explosion releases, is measured in kilotons — one equalling about the power of 1,000 tons of TNT. Both nuclear superpowers have performed nuclear tests with yields of at least 10,000 kilotons (at scale above:).


Nuclear tests throughout history, per country

Most nuclear powers have not performed a nuclear test in decades. Only North Korea has tested in the 21st century.

The United States and Russia possess 93 percent of the global nuclear warheads arsenal, according to Federation of American Scientists estimates. Both countries each have several thousand “retired” warheads awaiting dismantlement.

Read more and diagram at Eight countries. 2,056 nuclear tests. 71 years

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