Yaita residents angry over government’s radioactive disposal site proposal via The Mainichi

YAITA, Tochigi — As opposition candidates vying for lower house seats in the upcoming election criticize the national government’s proposal to designate this city as the final disposal site of highly radioactive waste created by the Fukushima No. 1 Nuclear Power Plant disaster without local approval, regional voters are growing increasingly impatient, as the opposition has not been able to offer any alternative solutions.
There are approximately 75 households in Yaita’s Shioda district where the proposed site is located. Freshwater crab, trout and loach live in the nearby Yaname River, and the local elementary schools use the forest to teach students about nature. Onozaki, too, was born and raised in this district, where now, red banners saying, “No to the disposal site,” are seen everywhere.

Read more at Yaita residents angry over government’s radioactive disposal site proposal

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