Spain starts process to reverse Garona nuclear plant closure order via Platts

Madrid (Platts)–20Jan2012/639 am EST/1139 GMT

Spain’s government has started the legal process to reverse the decision of the country’s previous government to close the Santa Maria de Garona nuclear power plant, the country’s nuclear commission said late Thursday.

The Industry Ministry sent a written request asking if a 2009 ruling which orders the closure of the country’s oldest nuclear reactor could be modified, the Comision de Seguridad Nuclear said in a note.

The operator of the 466 MW Santa Maria de Garona plant, Nuclenor, which is owned half and half by utilities Endesa and Iberdrola was notified in July by the previous government that the plant would have to be closed in 2013. The new Mariano Rajoy-led government has stated earlier this year that it will seek to overturn that ruling.

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