RWANDA SIGNS WITH RUSSIA via Industry Reporter

As Russia has been on a huge spree of signing newer and newer deals everyday either with the Middle Eastern nations or with the African nations. The with the Middle East accomplished now it is focusing on the African part.

 Rwanda is the latest African country to sign a nuclear deal with Russian state atomic company Rosatom after deals were discussed at the Sochi summit. But the deals between Russia and several African countries are raising concerns from environmentalists who say nuclear energy is not always clean and does not come free and the recent disasters of fukushima and the famous Chernobyl has proved how fatal they can be to the environment. A Russia-Africa summit in Sochi saw many deals being discussed and this is one that has been signed, Russia, this week brought together the heads of state and government representatives from 55 countries in order to expand their economy. Speaking at the forum, Russian President Vladimir Putin said his government was offering African countries an opportunity to use nuclear technology. These deals have sparked concerns among the nations who are trying to dominate the growing African market and with China and United States also trying to enter the market this will ensure a war in the market on a global stage.


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