Uncertainty over U.S. nuclear plants for India via The Hindu

There is uncertainty surrounding the construction of US nuclear reactors in India after Toshiba Corp decided to move out of the reactor building business. Officials said they are expecting some clarity in a month after Toshiba’s board meeting.


“We have not had anything on it officially. But what we read is that there will be completing the reactors that are under construction in the US and others which are India and UK India they are thinking but have not taken a decision. We expect a decision after their board meeting soon. Our discussion is going on. We don’t have a clear answer to this today, may be in a month,” Dr. Sekhar Basu, Secretary Department of Atomic Energy (DAE) said on Tuesday.

Following the Indo-US nuclear deal, India has been in discussion with Toshiba’s US based Westinghouse since 2005 to build six AP1000 nuclear reactors. After protracted negotiations and concerns on the nuclear liability there were hopes that a deal would be concluded soon.

Last week it was reported that Toshiba was planning to withdraw from building nuclear plants in the UK and India. Toshiba had acquired the US based Westinghouse, which specialises in nuclear reactors, in 2006.




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