Indian Point: Electrical fault is being investigated at one nuke plant via Lohud

Indian Point nuclear power plants continue operating after electrical fault that caused a small fire that automatically extinguished

BUCHANAN – An electrical glitch involving a cable caused a small fire Tuesday morning at the Indian Point Energy Center nuclear power plant 2.

The fire self-extinguished soon after the electrical fault occurred, spokesman Jerry Nappi said.

“There was no impact on plant operations and no injuries as a result of the event,” Nappi said. “Both plants continue to operate at full power.”

Nappi said Entergy declared a “notice of unusual event” and shortly afterward terminated the classification, the lowest among the levels demanded by the U.S. Regulatory Commission rules. He said the plant operators are investigating the cause of the electrical fault.


In March, the same reactor was shut down for more than three months after Entergy discovered 278 damaged or cracked bolts during a refueling or outage.

Read more at Indian Point: Electrical fault is being investigated at one nuke plant

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