Magnuson neighbors don’t trust Navy’s radiation cleanup via

the radiation cleanup efforts at Magnuson Park are not going far enough. The comments came during a forum at the park.

“The Navy’s plan for cleaning up this park is based on it only being safe for public use two hours a day, five days, a week,” said Pollet.
As he spoke, workers hired by the U.S. Navy were in the midst of a cleanup that began last year. But Pollet, who represents the district in the State House, doesn’t believe the cleanup will keep the 400 residents who live in the park, safe.
“Four hundred residents, with children, family housing and they use the park a lot more than two hours a day, obviously, said Pollet.
The ground got contaminated during World War II when the Navy used radium paint to make aircraft dials glow in the dark. To make matters worse, the radiation was discovered at least three years before residents were informed, leaving a residue of distrust.
“I don’t trust the Navy,” said Pollet. “Our residents have no reason to trust the Navy.”
Cindy O’Hare, who is overseeing the Navy’s cleanup, admits they botched their initial handling of the situation.
“We’ve stepped up our game to address those concerns,” said O’Hare. “We just misunderstood the community out here in Seattle in 2009.”

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