Former Hanford Worker Sick from Nuclear Waste Spill Speaks Out via KULR News

RICHLAND, WA – NBC Right Now spoke with a former Hanford worker exposed to chemical vapors on the job. He wasn’t a tank farm worker. He was a truck driver at the Hanford site.

Lonnie Poteet arrived outside a tank farm to deliver some fuel and quickly started feeling symptoms from exposure to chemical vapors.What he didn’t know was a nuclear waste spill happened hours before at the tank farm.

“I was already burning from my glove line to my t-shirt line and the side of my face and I was already starting to lose a little bit of vision in my right eye,” Poteet said.

It all happened so fast. On July 27th 2007, Lonnie Poteet, a contracted worker, drove up to site to deliver some fuel. At the time, CH2M Hill was managing the tank farm cleanup and failed to notify all workers about the spill.

The spill reportedly happened at 2:10am. Poteet arrived at the fence line of the tank farm at 10:00am.

“Very frustrated. When they told their crews that showed up that day to go to work to stay in because they had a potential spill, they held them back, but notified nobody else. They put me in harms way. Specifically they asked me to be there as late in the day as possible. They knew I was coming. Why didn’t they say something?” Poteet said.

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