* BREAKING NEWS * Ceiling Collapse from Possible Explosion and Fire in New Mexico Nuke Storage Facility; Barrels of Nuclear Waste Smashed and Leaking via Turner Radio Network

February 21, 2014 — (TRN) — *** BREAKING NEWS *** — Carlsbad, NM —  New Information from lab tests and US Department of Energy (DOE) Reports indicate the actual release of radiation from the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) in Carlsbad, NM was 14,400 times more than previously thought, with eleven thousand Bequerels per cubic meter of Plutonium -239 and Americium-241 released into the air. In addition, a photo from the WIPP shows smoke coming from an exhaust vent indicating there may be an underground fire which the DOE is not yet in control of.

A source who has been proven to have credible inside information about the WIPP has confirmed seeing a photo showing SMOKE coming from a shaft at the WIPP site which is NOT supposed to have smoke. TRN takes this to mean there is a fire burning underground at the WIPP and that DOE does not have Air Flow Control over the underground fire. DOE reportedly has attempted to shut off air flow into the mine. Since this effort does not appear to have been 100% successful, we see a risk of a “backdraft” induced explosion occurring at the site.  DOE air filtration safety systems are NOT designed to survive an explosion.

Persons in, near and NORTH of the WIPP Plant in Carlsbad should be wearing NIOSH-Certified P-100 filter masks if they go outside and may want to THINK ABOUT preparing to evacuate.  It is not unreasonable to get some things together and prepare to “bug-out.”  Officials at the WIPP said today “This is a very serious thing.”

Read more at * BREAKING NEWS * Ceiling Collapse from Possible Explosion and Fire in New Mexico Nuke Storage Facility; Barrels of Nuclear Waste Smashed and Leaking

Watch the video at Media Blackout! Apparent Roof Collapse Smashes Open Nuclear Waste Drums In New Mexico!

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