American Chernobyl via Intercontinental Cry

Nuclear waste has been leaking into the Columbia River for my entire life, and I recently turned 60. So when I read the BBC News story about new leaks from radioactive waste tanks on the Hanford Nuclear Reservation, I wondered what was new about it. Reviewing the BBC article, what’s new is what’s left out of the story–the fact that enormous amounts of waste are already in the groundwater and contaminating the salmon and public water supplies of the communities all along the river on its way to the Pacific Ocean.

According to the Washington State Department of Ecology, the Hanford Nuclear Reservation contains 60% of the highly radioactive and chemical waste in the United States, and one million gallons of that waste has already leaked into the groundwater. That groundwater is moving into the Columbia River, where one million people live downstream in communities that rely on the river as the source for their municipal water supply. American Scientist has the details.

In 2006, Yakama Indian Nation pursued a Superfund claimto restore the environment of the Hanford Nuclear Reservation, which was built by the U.S. Government on Yakama territory, where they traditionally fished for salmon. This talk by Russell Jim is related to Hanford. Russell Jim is a fellow and board member of the Center for World Indigenous Studies where I serve as an associate scholar, and is in charge of the negotiations between the Yakama Indian Nation and the U.S. Government to clean up Hanford, the largest Superfund site in the country.

Prior to Chernobyl, Hanford was the most contaminated site on earth.

Read more at American Chernobyl

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One Response to American Chernobyl via Intercontinental Cry

  1. yukimiyamotodepaul says:

    Powerful piece. Makes me think that why now (the recent news on leaking from the tanks), while we have failed to address the issue for the past six decades. Also, “addressing” the issue leads me to a daunting question: what we could possibly do to such irrevocable damage to the people and environment in Hanford, Chernobyl, Fukushima…so on and so forth.

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