The Fukushima Collective Evacuation Trial for the Right of Children to Be Educated in a Safe Place

Take action to help children in Fukushima whose lives are now in danger!-->World Citizens’ Tribunal
It is a privilege to be able to lend personal support to the Fukushima Evacuate Children Lawsuit. There is no better measure of the moral health of a society than how it treats the most vulnerable people within it, and none or more vulnerable, or more precious, than children who are the victims of unconscionable actions. For Japan, and for all of us, this is a test that we must not fail. (Noam Chomsky 12 Jan. 2012)
Mayor of Futaba, a small town near Fukushima Daiichi, testify on radiation hazards at Human Rights Council in Geneva

For the independence of WHO
For five and a half years we have maintained a daily presence (the Hippocratic Vigil) outside the headquarters of the WHO in Geneva. The aim of the vigil is to denounce the lies and cover-up by this international organisation on the subject of the health consequences of radioactive pollution. For the last 26 years WHO has done nothing to help the victims of Chernobyl, and is now abandoning the victims of Fukushima in the same way. We now believe it is important to address ourselves to those who are partly responsible for deciding WHO policy.

Read more at The Fukushima Collective Evacuation Trial

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