December Conference: A Mountain of Waste 70 Years High: Ending the Nuclear Age via Nuclear Energy Information Service

A Conference observing the 70th Anniversary of the 1st sustained chain reaction, and the birth of the Nuclear Age

On December 2, 1942, an experiment at the University of Chicago led by Enrico Fermi produced the world’s first human-made sustained chain reaction, and launched the Nuclear Age. The Nuclear Age has not been kind to everyone – beginning with the people of Japan. The Faustian bargain continues to this day – with the Japanese again becoming nuclear victims after Fukushima, and the world threatened by the continued presence of both nuclear weapons and nuclear power radiation releases and wastes.

Building on the observation of previous conferences first 40, then 30 years ago, this Conference notes that to this day, not a single ounce of radioactive waste has been permanently disposed of in an environmentally responsible manner. And it bears witness to those fellow humans to whom the Nuclear Age has been less than kind.

This is a call to come to the very birthplace of the Nuclear Age – memorialized by Henry Moore’s sculpture to Nuclear Energy (photo above), on the very site where Fermi’s experiment occurred – to remember its victims, and seriously question whether that Age has the right to continue among civilized human beings.

SATURDAY, DECEMBER 1ST; 8:30am to 5:00PM. International House, 1414 E. 59th St., Chicago, IL.
Featured speaker: Akiko Yoshida, Friends of the Earth, Japan, Fukushima, the Never Ending Story. (See reverse of flier for full conference schedule). Evening reception: 5:30pm. $30 per person.
Keynote presentation: 7:00pm. Dr. Norma Field, University of Chicago, Robert S. Ingersoll Distinguished Service Professor of Japanese Studies, Emerita. Where Are The People? Followed by: Film Screening: The Atomic States of America. Both evening events free and open to the public.
SUNDAY, DECEMBER 2ND. 9:00am to 3:00pm. Hutchinson Commons, Reynolds Hall, 5706 S. University Avenue, Chicago. Featured speaker: Setsuko Thurlow, hibakusha, the experience of Hiroshima. (See reverse of flier for full conference schedule).
Memorial to the nuclear age: 3:30pm. Ceremony, Henry Moore Sculpture to Nuclear Power, 56th and Ellis, University of Chicago campus.

For more information on the conference, go to December Conference: A Mountain of Waste 70 Years High: Ending the Nuclear Age

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